Feline Fashion Awilix How to Get

Brady Hales ... Ares Animal Chaser (vocalisation) Andrew Russell ... Radical Rex Chaac (voice) Residuum of bandage listed alphabetically: Alan A. Alan A. ... Fallen Lord Chronos (voice) Hetty Abbott ... Artio (voice) Orion Acaba ... Chiron Centaurion (voice) Zach Aguilar ... (voice) Chris Jai Alex ... (vox) Jon Allen ... Krang Jennifer Alyx Jennifer Alyx ... Cosmic Sol (voice) Lauren Amante ... Star Lookout man Eset (vocalisation) Daniel Amerman ... Tsukuyomi - Bit Slayer Ryan Andes ... Barbaric Thor (voice) Dino Andrade ... Chichen Pizza Xbalanque (vox) Felecia Angelle ... Terra.byte Terra Bryn Apprill Bryn Apprill ... Awilix / Feline Fashion Awilix (voice) Aaron Aryanpur Aaron Aryanpur ... Hellrider Chiron (vocalism) Victoria Atkin ... First Mate Serqet (voice) Major Attaway Major Attaway ... Ragnarok Fenrir / Archon Thanatos (phonation) Alan Ayo Alan Ayo ... Laughing Skull Bakasura / Fallen Lord Chronos (voice) Chris Ayres ... (voice) Greg Ayres ... (voice) Thom Badinger Thom Badinger ... F Announcer (vocalization) Krizia Bajos ... Powersurge Awilix (voice) Tia Lynn Ballard ... Guttersniper Cupid / Lucky Baby Fuwa Cupid (phonation) Christian Banas ... Beaky Bot Thoth Katelyn Barr Katelyn Barr ... Twisted Metal The Morrigan (vocalisation) Ryan Bartley ... Bunny Bomber Aphrodite (voice) Elise Baughman ... Nu Horizons Nu Wa (vocalism) Dawn Michelle Bennett Dawn Michelle Bennett ... Celestial Isis / Breed Mother Medusa / Cove Queen Nu Wa / Expiry Lotus Da Ji / Blight Guardian Athena (voice) Luis Bermudez ... Forgotten Gods Chaac (Rage) / Headless Horror Chiron (voice) Morgan Berry ... SWC 2017 Heroine Amaterasu (vox) Laila Berzins ... Dropkick Terra / Baroness Izanami / Galaxy Shaper Nox (voice) Christopher Bevins ... La Roca Hercules (vocalisation) Clint Bickham Clint Bickham ... (vocalisation) Hayden Bishop ... Nike American Superhero (voice) Brendan Blaber Brendan Blaber ... Mothman Ah Muzen Cab (voice) Sam Black Sam Black ... Caput Over Heels Cupid (voice) Edward Bosco Edward Bosco ... (vocalisation) Anthony Bowling Anthony Bowling ... Last Boss Thanatos (voice) Duncan Brannan ... (voice) Larry Brantley Larry Brantley ... Sydney Shredder He Bo (voice) Justin Briner Justin Briner ... Enchanted Chang'e (Jade Rabbit) (vocalism) Kate Bristol Kate Bristol ... (vocalisation) Joe Brogie ... Neon Nightmare (voice) Keith Brooks ... Fun Guy Merlin (voice) Kimberly Brooks ... (vox) Jacob Browning ... Jackal Tech Anubis / Soul Piercer Achilles (voice) Kira Buckland ... Defiant Bellona / Dragonkin Skadi (voice) Bruce Buffer ... Bruce Journalist (voice) Jonathan David Bullock Jonathan David Bullock ... Badlands Vulcan / Galactic Void Chernabog (vocalism) Griffin Burns ... (voice) Thomas G Burt Thomas G Burt ... Halloween Hysteria Baron Samedi Nib Butts ... Stellar Demise Baron Samedi (vocalisation) Christine Marie Cabanos ... (voice) Jennifer Cadena ... Nox EDM (voice) Jessica Calvello ... (vox) Tiana Camacho ... Cobra Queen Medusa / Pixel Chaos Discordia / Star Commander Bellona / Living Death Scylla / Primal Vengeance Nemesis / Waverider Awilix (voice) Joey Camen ... Titan Forge Ymir / Infantree Sylvanus (voice) Charles C. Campbell ... Ymir / Nuclear Wintertime Ymir / Baron Frostchild Ymir (voice) (as Charles Campbell) Bruce Carey ... Ah Puch (voice) Greg Carson Greg Carson ... Hail to the Male monarch Tyr (voice) Bob Carter ... Odin (voice) Paul Cartwright ... Thoth Book of Nightmares / Ganesha Rune Machina Chris Cason ... Shino-bo Kuzenbo (voice) Jalen K. Cassell Jalen K. Cassell ... Gamma Slam Cabrakan / Joki Loki (voice) Alex Cazares ... Calavera Skadi (vocalism) Dani Chambers Dani Chambers ... Plushie Artio (phonation) Clifford Chapin Clifford Chapin ... Kukulkan / Informal Chibi Kukulkan / Vamana (voice) Sean Chiplock Sean Chiplock ... Jackal Knight Anubis / Fabulous Chiron / Worldwalker Janus / Warchief Raijin / Vice Heimdallr / Candy Shop Achilles (voice) Luci Christian ... (vocalization) Greg Chun ... DaimyOdin (voice) Mike Ciporkin Mike Ciporkin ... Depths Defender Odin (voice) Allegra Clark ... Persephone / Deadley Desire Da Ji (voice) Leah Clark ... Bastet / Night Prowler Bastet (vox) Colleen Clinkenbeard ... Tutorial Narrator / Arachne / Tormentula Arachne / Modern Mercenary Nemesis / Ne Zha (voice) Doug Crinkle ... Chernobog (voice) Kevin Connolly Kevin Connolly ... (voice) Amber Lee Connors ... Scarlet Dangerfield Neith / Spriggan Terra / Skadi Pixel Buster (voice) David Cooley ... Crikeydile Sobek (voice) Alfie Coy Alfie Coy ... Pixel Rush He Bo (vocalism) Jacob Craner Jacob Craner ... Nekomancer Zhong Kui Cynthia Cranz ... (vocalization) Jordan Dash Cruz Jordan Dash Cruz ... Vizier Troth / Pixel Hammer Thor (vocalism) Matthew Curtis ... Unbroken Osiris / Leonardo / Radical Leonardo / Heroic Husky Fenrir (voice) Cyrus Rodas ... Seraph Horus / Hammerhead Vulcan / Hit Machina Ymir (phonation) Skyler Davenport ... Valkalli / Countess Chang'e (voice) Erik Davies ... (voice) Rebecca Davis ... Arachne Fae Mantis (voice) Carol-Anne Mean solar day ... (voice) Mannie De Castro ... (vocalization) Darin De Paul ... Galactic Invader Ah Puch / King Ar-Tyr (voice) Theo Devaney ... Elken Cernunnos (voice) Anthony DiMascio ... Chef Vulcan / Hyperspace Loki (voice) Marc Diraison ... (voice) Ben Diskin ... (vox) Aaron Dismuke ... (vox) Lucien Dodge ... Dr. Vanus Sylvanus (voice) Madeline Dorroh Madeline Dorroh ... Deep Bounding main Skad (voice) Amanda Doskocil Amanda Doskocil ... Nemesis / Executioner Nemesis (vocalization) Terri Doty ... (voice) D.C. Douglas ... (voice) Jason Douglas ... Dark Whisperer Ah Muzen Cab / Ares (voice) John Doyle John Doyle ... Anhur - Oni Ronin Skin Catherine DuBord Catherine DuBord ... Star Tamer Bastet (voice) Bruce DuBose ... Grim Eclipse Hou Yi / Thor (vocalization) Punk Duck Punk Duck ... Land Shark Sobek (voice) Charlie Ann Duncan ... Apollo Hopper Barbara Dunkelman Barbara Dunkelman ... Yang Xiao Long (voice) Elspeth Eastman ... (phonation) Kara Eberle ... Weiss Schnee (voice) Daniel J. Edwards Daniel J. Edwards ... (voice) Kara Edwards ... Embankment Baby Aphrodite / Athena / Peacekeeper Athena / Enforcer Athena (voice) Johnny Elbow Johnny Elbow ... M Slam Hercules (vocalization) Caitlyn Elizabeth ... Mighty Mage Cupid (voice) Stephen A. Elkins ... Khepri Gun Mobster R. Bruce Elliott ... Anubis / Slay Bells Chiron (voice) Richard Epcar ... Poseidon / High Voltage Zeus (vox) Christopher Escalante ... (vocalisation) Sophia Esperanza ... PillowFightNike (voice) Chloe Eves ... Oni Hunter Artemis Cassie Ewulu ... Yemoja (voice) Leo Fabian Leo Fabian ... Ravana / Xing Tian (vocalisation) Ricco Fajardo ... Camazotz / Ba5S Driblet Janus / Wyrm Slayer Ullr (voice) Dave Fennoy ... (voice) Jerome Fifty-Seven Jerome Fifty-Seven ... (voice) Erin Fitzgerald ... (vocalization) Michael Flaherty Michael Flaherty ... Monster Trainer Erlang Shen (vox) Bill Flynn ... Key Shaman Ganesha (voice) Jim Foronda Jim Foronda ... Renegade Awilix (K.A.T.T.) / Wolf Man Fenrir / Snowman Geb / Sunstar Ra / Terminal Commando Rama / Susano / Ragnarok Ten Thor (voice) Dan Foster ... Space Scoundrel Danzaburou Dave Fouquette Dave Fouquette ... Kaijunbo Kuzenbo (vocalization) Jake Foushee Jake Foushee ... Optimus Prime (voice) Jason David Frank ... Vapor Wave Poseidon (phonation) Holly A. Franklin Holly A. Franklin ... Ratatoskr / Ragnatoskr (voice) Scott Freeman ... Agni / Poolseidon / Thanatos (voice) Scott Frerichs Scott Frerichs ... Nutcromancer Ah Puch / Chef's Special Khepri / Rock From Bisrakh Ravana (voice) Stephen Fu Stephen Fu ... Pendragon King Arthur (vocalism) Larissa Gallagher ... Royal Champion Awiix (vocalization) Blas García Blas García ... Quetzakukulkan (phonation) Bradley Gareth Bradley Gareth ... Thanatos Draconic Devastator (vocalization) Trevor Garner Trevor Garner ... Drunkyard Bacchus / Vamp Tech Camazotz (phonation) Adam Gibbs Adam Gibbs ... (phonation) Caitlin Drinking glass ... Isis / Carmine Coven Isis / Oktoberfest Nu Wa (voice) Kellen Goff ... Jormungandr / Freaky Tiki Ah Puch / Inu Gami Fenrir / Infernal King Zeus / Brimstone Cerberus / Deathbringer King Arthur / Labyrinth Keeper Heimdallr / Gecko Gladiator Xing Tian (voice) Heather Gonzalez ... Wild Style Pele / Midnight Glamour Neith (voice) Matthew C Goodson ... Grim End Hercules / Shadow Howler Hun Batz Nicole Gose Nicole Gose ... Pele (voice) Meli Grant Meli Grant ... Deadnaut Cupid (phonation) Tiffany Grant ... Soothsayer The Morrigan (voice) Marc Graue ... Shell Shock Agni / Bang-up Tengu Cernunnos (vox) Wayne Grayson ... Steel Samurai Susano (phonation) (equally Vinnie Penna) Jennifer Green Jennifer Green ... Elite Agent Apollo (Control) / Kaiju Sobek (Denise) (vox) Deva Marie Gregory ... Eclipse Summoner Hel (vocalism) Josh Grelle ... Triumph & Agni / Spectral Sword Ares / Xbalanque / Jag.RAR Xbalanque / Heaven'due south Rave Zeus (voice) John Gremillion ... (voice) Justin Gross ... (voice) Chris Guerrero Chris Guerrero ... God Tutorial Narrator / Kuku Kukulkan / Thoth (voice) Daisy Guevara Daisy Guevara ... (voice) Paul Guyet ... Thunderfang (vocalism) Todd Haberkorn ... Griffindwarf Fafnir / G.E.B. 1 / Sir Pentsworth IV, Esq. Kukulkan / Such Cold Skadi (Doge) / Lil' Mana / Rakshasa Vamana / Shinobalanque (voice) Gray 1000. Haddock ... (vocalisation) Gavin Hammon ... Horus (phonation) Erika Harlacher ... Nightbane Jing Wei (voice) Martha Harms ... Aphrodite / Diva Aphrodite / Skadi (voice) A. Smith Harrison ... Divine Wind Gilgamesh (vocalization) Kit Harrison ... Shadow Hunter Hachiman, Grave Golem Geb, Malware Mercenary Osiris Brad Hawkins ... (voice) Kyle Hebert ... Crystal Colossus Ymir (voice) Rachelle Heger Rachelle Heger ... Foxy Lady Da Ji (voice) Sean Hennigan Sean Hennigan ... Janus (phonation) Marieve Herington ... (vox) Juan Carlos Hernández ... Grim Mariachi Loki (voice) Bob Hess Bob Hess ... King of the Deep Poseidon (vocalisation) Jean-Luc Hester Jean-Luc Hester ... (voice) Jay Hickman ... (voice) Boise Holmes ... Yurei Susano (phonation) Natalie Hoover Natalie Hoover ... Enchanted Chang'e (vox) James Horan ... Deep-sea Knight (voice) Kestin Howard ... Cybershadow Merlin (voice) Chuck Huber ... Ra (voice) Ray Hurd ... Raijin (vocalism) Xanthe Huynh ... Mystic Enchantress Nu Wa / Pinkish Lotus Pele / Spirit Guide Artio (voice) Jeremy Inman ... Kumbhakarna / Pajama Party Kumbhakarna (voice) Erika Ishii ... Darkblade Pele (voice) Bradford Jackson ... Bakasura / Death Car Bakasura / Feaster Bunny Bakasura / Rage Bakasura / Hun Batz / Hun.BAT Hun Batz (voice) Darren Jacobs ... Count Businesswoman Samedi (voice) Taliesin Jaffe ... Shambles Chaac (vocalization) Beak Jenkins ... Eldritch Ra / Ullr / Berserker Ullr / Vulcap'north Redbeard Vulcan / Irezumir Ymir (voice) Jerry Jewell ... (vocalisation) Jim Johnson Jim Johnson ... Void Wyrm Kukulkan (vocalism) Kaiser Johnson ... Horrfic Harvester Ah Puch / Neon Rebellion Rama / Demon's Bane Merlin (voice) Kelley Johnson Kelley Johnson ... Ski Patrol Skadi (voice) Macy Anne Johnson Macy Anne Johnson ... Dreadful Doll Izanami (voice) Michael Johnston ... (vocalization) Cissy Jones ... (voice) Lindsay Jones Lindsay Jones ... Ruby Rose (voice) Chip Joslin ... Unichrome Prepare (vocalization) Kane Jungbluth-Murry ... Heavy Hitter Anubis Karen Kahler ... (vox) River Kanoff ... (voice) Brittney Karbowski ... (vox) Jason Kaye ... Super Chill Bacchus (voice) Carrie Keranen ... (vocalism) Garrett Kiesel Garrett Kiesel ... Dawn Defender Thor (vocalization) Erik Scott Kimerer Erik Scott Kimerer ... (voice) Shara Kirby Shara Kirby ... Baked Perfection Awilix Michele Knotz ... Mummified Izanami / The Sparrow Nike (vox) Bart Koenigsberg Bart Koenigsberg ... Bart Journalist (vox) Stephanie Komure ... (phonation) Anjali Kunapaneni Anjali Kunapaneni ... Cyberblade Amaterasu (voice) Lily Lammers Lily Lammers ... Mortiferous Doll Cilodhna (vox) Lauren Landa Lauren Landa ... (vocalisation) Nick Landis ... Metal Carnege Fenrir / Rama / Orbital Strike Rama / Reaper Tech Thanatos (voice) Brittany Lauda ... Kitty Kaboom Serqet (voice) Mick Lauer ... Cernunnos / Hou Ru Kai Hou Yi (phonation) Morgan Laure ... (vocalisation) (every bit Morgan Garrett) Aleks Le ... Warp Tech Janus (voice) Jeff Leach ... Achilles Nighttime Knight (voice) Alan Lee Alan Lee ... Cursed Bloodline Ao Kuang (vox) Eddy Lee ... (vocalization) Jared J. Lee Jared J. Lee ... Cu Chulainn / Spooky Nightmares Cupid (voice) Misty Lee ... Burning Desire Aphrodite (voice) Cherami Leigh ... (voice) Vanessa Lemonides Vanessa Lemonides ... Noxious Naga Medusa (voice) Erika Lenhart ... (phonation) Marissa Lenti Marissa Lenti ... Intergalactic Chang'e / Spectral Blade Pele / Dominicus Guardian (Eclipse Summoner Hel) (vox) Ryan Colt Levy ... Silverish Bullet Tsukuyomi (voice) Jason Liebrecht ... Ah Muzen Cab (phonation) Lilypichu Lilypichu ... Chang'e - Curious Courier (voice) Erica Lindbeck ... All for One! Freya / Ladybug Khepri / Terra / Igneous Terra (voice) Jonathan Lipow Jonathan Lipow ... Warmaker Cerberus (voice) Markus Lloyd ... Tremor Tech Cabrakan (vox) David Guild ... Bloody Butcher Ymir (voice) Valerie Rose Lohman ... (voice) Andrew Love Andrew Love ... (voice) Elsie Lovelock ... Cliodhna / Wise Hare Athena Gregory Lush ... Dr. Madlove Cupid (voice) Janelle Lutz Janelle Lutz ... Enyo Bellona (voice) Andy Mack Andy Mack ... Murder of Crows Sobek (phonation) Lydia Mackay ... Covert Ops Bastet / Plague Bearer Izanami / iDusa Medusa (vocalism) Kelsey Maher ... Shadow Spearrow Jing Wei (voice) Alex Mai Alex Mai ... Neon Shifter Sun Wukong Kellen Malone Kellen Malone ... Underworld Consequence Journalist / Xing Tian's Mountain Secondary Journalist / Various Minions / Jurassic Camazotz / Drums Out Raijin / Kaiju Sobek (Kaiju) / Dr. Vanus Sylvanus (Grover) (voice) Francesca Manzi ... Chang'east Bunny Wizard (voice) Jamie Marchi ... Freya / Pixel Buster Freya / Get Served Freya (vocalization) Jason Marnocha ... Full Metallic Vulcan / Headless Norseman Loki / Riptide Poseidon / Megatron Ra (voice) Kassandra Marron Kassandra Marron ... Oak-Seer Artemis / Grim Shadow Nox (voice) Kassandra Marron Kassandra Marron ... Oak-Seer Artemis / Grim Shadow Nox (vocalisation) Trent Martin Trent Martin ... Master of Light Merlin Bryan Massey Bryan Massey ... Survivor Ullr (voice) David Matranga ... Northern Ranger Hachiman / Secret Lodge Ullr (voice) Austin Lee Matthews ... Galaxy Maverick Ne Zha / Infernal Omen Tsukuyomi / Freedom Retriever Anubis (vocalism) Patty Mattson ... Basscanon Neith (voice) Elizabeth Maxwell ... Grim Weaver Arachne / Nike / Conquistador Nike / The Morrigan / Woodland Rogue The Morrigan (voice) Michael Mayes Michael Mayes ... Brynhildr Bacchus (voice) Lauren Mayfield ... Mortiferous Dinner Discordia (voice) Patrick McAlister ... Hachiman (vocalisation) Jaxson McBride ... Aang (voice) John McCalmont ... Siege Engine Xing Tian (voice) Dan D.W. McCann ... Bob Ross Sylvanus (vox) Kyle McCarley ... Pot O'Gold Fafnir / Playmaker Ne Zha (voice) Joel McDonald ... Mercury / Run.EXE Mercury / Shaolin Fury Mercury (voice) Landon McDonald Landon McDonald ... The Hunter Hou Yi / Helheim Ullr (voice) Mike McFarland ... Osiris / Frankenhotep Osiris / The Re-Blithe Osiris (voice) Mary Elizabeth McGlynn ... (phonation) Jamie McGonnigal Jamie McGonnigal ... (vox) Kristen McGuire ... Itsy Bitsy Chibi Arachne / Charybdis Prototype 2.0 / Discordia Moth (vocalism) Brandon McInnis ... Erlang Shen (vocalism) Kayleigh McKee ... Might of Neptune Poseidon Danielle McRae Danielle McRae ... (vocalism) Kevin Meier Kevin Meier ... Advances Announcer (voice) Deneen Melody ... Mystical Monster Scylla / C.A.T. Force Hercules (vocalisation) Erica Mendez ... Primal Huntress Artemis (voice) Rachael Messer Rachael Messer ... Heatsink Pele (voice) Vic Mignogna ... Repose Vamana (vocalism) Jason Charles Miller ... Warmaker Vulcan / Righteous Hammer Chaac (voice) (as Jason Miller) Daman Mills ... Ragnarok Hades / Swashbuckler Susano / Star Scribe Thoth / Iron Tyran Xing Tian / Wintertime's Curse Cu Chulainn / Dragon's Rage Kukulkan / Noble Knight Osiris (voice) Kayli Mills ... Star Salvager Skadi (voice) Bill Millsap ... Tiger's Fury Achilles / Cabrakahns Pharaoh'due south Curse / Achilles Werebeast / Guan Yu Evil Passenger / Shining Chivalry Chiron (vocalism) Lani Minella ... Gingerbread Baba Yaga (voice) Melanie Minichino ... Orbital Scout Artemis / Cherrybomb Sol (vocalization) Max Mittelman ... Barbarous Apollo (voice) Xander Mobus Xander Mobus ... King Arthur (vox) Mary Morgan ... Moonlit Picket Neith (voice) Cassandra Lee Morris ... (voice) Eliah Mountjoy ... Godslayer Ares (Shield) (voice) Brent Mukai ... Hopper Apollo / Kero Kero Danzaburou / Cosmic Fortune Ganesha (vox) Anastasia Munoz Anastasia Munoz ... Kali / Trophy Hunter Kali / Skaliwag (voice) Reagan Murdock Reagan Murdock ... Ganesha / Gemini Agni (voice) Erica Muse ... Snowfall Kitten Bastet (voice) Brandon Nance Brandon Nance ... DM Journalist (voice) Marco Nepomuceno Marco Nepomuceno ... Lord of the Amazon He Bo (voice) Rory Newbrough Rory Newbrough ... Drybear Journalist (vocalisation) Byron Marc Newsome ... Ganesha - Thousand.O.UsEastward. Strength (phonation) Kamran Nikhad Kamran Nikhad ... Infernal Beast Guan Yu / The Eagle'due south Elbow Camazotz / Molten Machina Fenrir Chris Niosi Chris Niosi ... Chiliad-9 Anubis / Riftshaker Janus / Captain Quick Mercury (vocalisation) Trina Nishimura ... Renegade Awilix / Chang'e / BunBun Nox (phonation) Emily O'Brien ... Hera Gamer Girl / Ability Upward Hera (vox) Joe Ochman ... Divine Machina Apollo / Nightbringer Demon Xbalanque (vocalization) Tony Oliver ... (vocalization) Michael Orenstein Michael Orenstein ... Soulbinder Merlin / Space Ruler Olorun (voice) Lisa Ortiz ... Izanami / Divine Dragon Bellona (voice) Jonathan C. Osborne Jonathan C. Osborne ... (voice) Joshua Ovenshire ... Loki Charms Loki (vocalism) Brina Palencia ... Artemis / Cupid / Bizzy B CupidTrick or Treat Cupid (phonation) Bryce Papenbrook ... (vocalism) Jake Paque ... (phonation) Phil Parsons ... Apollo / Elite Agent Apollo / Curse Voice Apollo / Winner's Circumvolve Apollo / Chiron (vocalisation) Jas Patrick ... Sir Sandington Fix / Bit Builder Vulcan (phonation) Chris Patton ... (vox) Daniel Penz Daniel Penz ... Zhong Kui / Demon Catcher Zhong Kui (voice) George Peter ... Neon Trails Ne Zha (phonation) Josh Petersdorf ... Storm Tech Chaac (voice) Ben Phillips Ben Phillips ... (voice) Kyle Phillips ... Cherry Steel Ares (voice) Rawly Pickens ... (voice) Chris Piper Chris Piper ... Swagni (voice) Jeff Plunk Jeff Plunk ... Moon's Groom Hou Yi / Dread-Lord Fafnir / Krampus Cernunnos (voice) Mike Pollock ... Kuzenbo / High Noon Sylvanus (voice) Laura Post ... Bellona / Furiona Bellona / Rock-A-Bellona / Sunday's Bride Chang'due east / Nox / Soulless Machine Sol / Depths of Atlantis Nox (voice) Brandon Potter ... Chilling Grasp Ah Puch / Star Slayer Anhur / Burglar Loki / Sobek / High Seas Sobek / Chiliad.I.Zhong Zhong Kui (voice) Brock Powell ... Cool Cat Anhur Jamieson Price ... Offense Boss Kuzenbo / Sacred Grounds Geb (vocalism) Griffin Puatu ... Godslayer Ares (vocalisation) Josh Putnam Josh Putnam ... Bass Demon Raijin (voice) Anairis Quinones Anairis Quinones ... Pirate Admiral Chang'eastward / Med Tech Aphrodite (phonation) Chris Rager ... Soldier of Fortune Ares / Bacchus / Life's a Beach Geb (voice) Ratana ... Chibi Inu Amaterasu Arianna Ratner ... Amaterasu Vampire / Geomancer Persephone (vocalisation) Tabitha Ray Tabitha Ray ... (voice) Bob Reed Bob Reed ... Sylvanus / Season's Spirit Sylvanus (vocalisation) Lisa Reimold Lisa Reimold ... Pittsburgh Knights Scylla (vocalization) Jordan Reynolds ... Revenant Achilles / Battleworn Achilles (vocalization) Monica Rial ... Kawaii Pop Bastet / Lunar Tango Chang'east / Hel / Solstice Hel / Loftier Seas Sobek (Parrot) / Venus Aphrodite (voice) Sam Riegel ... (vocalisation) Tyson Rinehart Tyson Rinehart ... Cabrakan / Nerd Rage Cabrakan / Dark Lord Su Wukong (voice) Daniel Riordan ... Snowfall Strix Ra (vox) Stan Robak Stan Robak ... Chronos / NRG Championship Chronos (voice) Aaron Roberts ... Solid Hornet Ah Muzen Cab (voice) Brianna Roberts ... Crystal Gaze Medusa / Ragnarok Hera / Sea Nymph Sol (voice) Calvin Scott Roberts Calvin Scott Roberts ... Demonic Thanatos (voice) Gina Roberts Gina Roberts ... Recon Artemis (voice) Rick Robertson ... Vulcan (phonation) Rachel Robinson ... Medusa / Dread Queen Serqte / Snakey Chibi Medusa (voice) Mallorie Rodak ... Da Ji (phonation) Whitney Rodgers Whitney Rodgers ... Ordo Solarus Amaterasu / Leona JPF Nemesis (voice) Valeria Rodriguez Valeria Rodriguez ... Caustic Skies Nu Wa, Rav3n The Morrigan (voice) Neb Rogers ... Void Piercer Ah Muzen Cab (vocalization) Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld ... Lady Liberty Nox (voice) Alex Ross ... Loki (Remodel) (vocalism) Ari Ross ... Fafnir (voice) Linsay Rousseau ... SWC Starlet Hera (phonation) Nicolas Roye ... Agent of Darkness / Vigilante Susano (vocalisation) Dustin Rubin ... Sniper Tech Ra (voice) Adin Rudd ... Merlin / Cthulhu (voice) Christian Rummel ... Shadow Specter Horus / Knight of Storms Susano (voice) Alejandro Saab ... Beamy Chibi Ra / The Marksman Rama / Sashimi Neko Bacchus (voice) Sandra Saad ... Athena / Mystic Guardian Athena (phonation) Christopher Sabat ... Pb Manager / Anhur / Moonlight Dear Chang'e (Chocolate Rabbit) / Fenrir / He Bo / He Bro / Infinity Moving ridge He Bo / Geb / Sylvanus (Grover) / Zeus (vocalisation) Salli Saffioti ... Ice Queen Aphrodite / Oasis Djinn Aphrodite (vocalization) Tara Sands ... (vox) Anthony Sardinha ... (voice) Carrie Savage ... Scylla / Lil' Scarlet Scylla / Daisy Despair Scylla / Kid'south Play Scylla (vocalization) Jad Saxton Jad Saxton ... Expelled Hel (vox) Sean Schemmel ... Lord's day Wukong / Heavy Metallic Thor (phonation) Jeff Schine ... Route Rebel Hercules / Abyssal Warrior Lord's day Wukong / Wiseguy Cupid (vocalism) Erica Schroeder ... Nike Zero Gravity (phonation) Lucas Schuneman Lucas Schuneman ... (voice) Michael Schwalbe ... Neon Ra / Heimdallr (voice) Jeremy Schwartz ... Khepri / Warlord Kumbhakarna (voice) Jonah Scott Jonah Scott ... Heaven'southward Arrow Hou Yi / Modern Messenger Mercury / Frostfire Ullr (vocalization) Sara Secora ... Da Ji Sandcastle Slasher (vocalisation) Lindsay Seidel ... Aphra Cadabra Aphrodite / Neith / Ms. Diagnosis Neith / BuccaNeith / Harajuku Neith (voice) Trevor Seits Trevor Seits ... Land Shark Sobek (voice) Patrick Seitz ... Chaac / Hades / Grim Wraith Hades / Mountain Homo Odin / Ra'merica / Uncle Zeus (voice) David Shaughnessy ... Jade Rabbit Chang'eastward (voice) Stephanie Sheh ... (vocalisation) Blake Shepard ... (voice) Lindsay Sheppard ... Hel Shadow Speaker (phonation) Dina Sherman Dina Sherman ... Temptress Aphrodite (vocalization) Julie Shields ... Sakura Android Neith Matt Shipman ... (vocalism) Donald A. Shults Donald A. Shults ... (phonation) Michael Silberblatt ... Freezy Bot Ymir (voice) Keith Silverstein ... (vox) Dustin Simington Dustin Simington ... Infernal Agni (phonation) Tim Simmons Tim Simmons ... Plushie Raijin (phonation) Ian Sinclair ... Duke Dan De Lyons Anhur / Demonic Pact Anubis / The King Bacchus / Devil Horns Raijin / Nature's Guardian Rama / Tyr / PrivaTyr / Sock PuppeTyr (vocalization) Camden Singer ... Exterminator Kali (voice) Michael Sinterniklaas ... (vox) Brad Smeaton Brad Smeaton ... Queen's Guard Erlang Shen (voice) Aimee Smith Aimee Smith ... Izanami Clown, Nemesis Soul Slayer, Nu Wa Battleship Heaven, Nox Queen Bee (voice) Christopher Corey Smith ... (phonation) David Sobolov ... (phonation) Micah Solusod ... (vocalisation) Kevin Sorbo ... Retrocles Hercules (vocalisation) Michael Sorich ... Radiant Archon Ra (voice) Stephanie Southerland ... Neith Swift Scurrier (vocalism) Spike Spencer ... (phonation) Ric Spiegel Ric Spiegel ... Chang'e (Jade Rabbit) / Lord's day'south Helpmate Chang'e (Jade Rabbit) (voice) Courtney Steele ... The Magnificent Sol (vocalism) Brian Stivale ... (voice) Mark Stoddard ... Guan Yu (voice) Sonny Strait ... Dreadbeard Poseidon (voice) Karen Strassman ... Liberté Athena / Torment Bellona (voice) Kim Strauss ... Hellscape Cernunnos (voice) Kristin Sutton ... Serqet / Madame Bract Serqet (vox) John Swasey ... (vox) Marc Swint Marc Swint ... Biohacker Chernobog (phonation) Dai Tabuchi ... Danzaburou (vocalisation) Kaiji Tang ... Ao Kuang / Clockwork Knight Ao Kuang / Cangaceiro Vamana (voice) Nazeeh Tarsha ... Gilgamesh / Rez / Disquisitional.Dmg Ne Zha / Molten He Bo / Howler Demon Batz / Lost Soul Rex Arthur / KittyKarma Kumbhakarma (voice) Fred Tatasciore ... (voice) J. Michael Tatum ... Stargazer Anubis / Dragon Knight Ao Kuang / Fernando Ares / Hoot 'n Holler Bacchus / Chaacolate Chaac / Father Time Chronos / Lord Slashington III Fenrir / Hercules / Derpules Hercules / Hug Problems Khepri / Dominicus Wu Xing Sun Wukong (voice) Armen Taylor ... Prince of Darkness Hades / Molten Shotgun Erlang Shen (voice) Veronica Taylor ... Dual Tech Hel / Desert Dragon Neith (vocalism) Sean Teague ... (voice) Chris Tergliafera ... Set up / Chilling Death Odin (vox) Joe Thomas ... Death Dragon Anubis (vocalization) Sarah Ruth Thomas Sarah Ruth Thomas ... Morrigan Doomsayer Sensei (voice) Billy Bob Thompson ... (vocalization) Kenneisha Thompson ... Madame Darkness Nox (vocalism) Christian Thorsen Christian Thorsen ... Death'due south Door Janus / Stingpunk Ah Muzen Cab (vocalization) Dalton Tindall Dalton Tindall ... Swarm Sentry Ah Muzen Cab (voice) Austin Tindle ... Super Chronos 64 / Hou Yi / Iron Crow Hou Yi (voice) Edwyn Tiong Edwyn Tiong ... (vox) Alexis Tipton ... (voice) Jeannie Tirado ... Image Scylla / Such Cold Skadi / Sol / Meltdown Sol (voice) Frank Todaro ... Starscream Joshua Tomar ... Einherjar Chaac / Constable Moosejaw Chiron / Grim Horseman Guan Yu / Steel Scarab Khepri (vocalism) Kimlinh Tran Kimlinh Tran ... (voice) Abby Trott ... (vocalization) Maya Aoki Tuttle ... Kali (voice) (equally Maya Tuttle) Eric Vale ... Kaiju Sobek (Tony) (voice) Cristina Valenzuela ... Amaterasu / Discordia / Foxy Amaterasu / Sea Maiden Medusa (voice) Rodriguez Garcia Valeria Rodriguez Garcia Valeria ... Caustic Skies Nu Wa (vox) (as Rodriguez Valeria) Natalie Van Sistine Natalie Van Sistine ... Forgotten Gods Chaac (Passion) / Holo Halo Pele (voice) Janet Varney ... Korra (voice) Brad Venable Brad Venable ... Hunkules Hercules / Kumbhalayan Yeti Kumbhakarna / Prizefighter Mercury / Jandroid Janus / Abyssal Acolyte Agni / Cyber Samurai Hachiman / Omnitech Odin (voice) Alison Viktorin Alison Viktorin ... Jing Wei / Pool Party Jing Wei / Demonsoul Serqet (vox) David Vincent ... (vox) Victoria Vitti Victoria Vitti ... Dgraon Priestess Nox (phonation) David Wald ... (voice) Howard Wang Howard Wang ... Fire Lord Ne Zha (voice) Matthew Waterson ... Half-Life Baron Samedi (vocalism) Tom Wayland ... (voice) Brett Weaver ... Default Announcer & VGS (vocalism) Philip Weber Philip Weber ... Pandamonium Odin (vocalization) Christopher Wehkamp ... Cutting Edge Ullr (voice) Marie Westbrook ... Dark Summoner Nu Wa (voice) Maxey Whitehead ... (voice) Kent Williams ... Ao Kuang (Original) / Sacred Dragon Kulkulkan / SWC 2016 Zeus (vox) Sarah Anne Williams Sarah Anne Williams ... Marvelous Maid Amaterasu (voice) Brandon Winckler ... (voice) Amanda Winn Lee ... (vocalization) Jason Wishnov Jason Wishnov ... (vocalization) Dave Wittenberg ... (voice) Deborah Wittenberg ... Mystic Defender Neith (vocalisation) (equally Debbie Wittenberg) Fryda Wolff ... Star Strike Neith (voice) Jenn Wong ... Baba Yaga (voice) Ashley Forest ... Loki (Original) (vocalisation) Alexandra Yastishock Alexandra Yastishock ... Atomic number 26 Maid Bellona (vox) Anne Yatco ... Cherry Magus Morgan Le Fay (voice) Cory Yee Cory Yee ... Iroh Bacchus / Valworm / Toxic Tide He Bo (vocalism) Suzie Yeung Suzie Yeung ... Sentai Mulan (voice) Jenny Yokobori ... Lady of the Sea Discordia Stephanie Immature ... Nu Wa / Overnice & Naughty Nu Wa / Challenger Nu Wa / Old Wa Nu Wa (vocalism) Suehyla El-Attar Young ... Lady of the Lore (voice) (as Suehyla El-Attar) Apphia Yu Apphia Yu ... Blind Vengeance Nemesis (vocalization) Erin Yvette ... Luminous Bastet / Fallen Star Sol / Navigator Journalist (vocalization) Arryn Zech ... Blake Belladona (voice) Michael A. Zekas ... Key Storm Susano / Bacchus Blobchus (voice) Molly Zhang Molly Zhang ... Mulan / Aesir Mulan / Mysterious Warrior Mulan (voice) Rick Zieff ... Chilling Dreams Kumbhakarna (voice) Joe Zieja ... Whirlwind Tech Xing Tian (voice) Valeria Zunzun ... Carnaval Queen Neith (vocalisation)

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